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Welcome Guangzhou Yonglong Hardware Manufacturing Co. Ltd. - wing produced will be fine National unity 24 hours service hotline:086-020-81762527 Chinese | English
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Guangzhou Tel: 020-81762527, 81012789,
81272884, 81752336
Fax: 020-81764254, 81752439
Company website: http://www.netalong.com
Email, Guangzhou: gzyonglong168@126.com
Hubei hbyonglong@163.com
Headquarters address: No. 16, Tan tail Road, Liwan District bridge, Guangzhou, China
Hubei address: No. 50 Hubei road Zhongxiang xinmeixiang
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Guangzhou Yonglong Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 1993, is the largest production scale in China is the strongest and most professional stud welding nail manufacturers. In 2006, the company set up in Hubei Yonglong Hardware Products Co. ltd..
In twenty years, we have become the leader of stud welding technology with high quality and innovative products. We firmly believe that "quality creates value", high quality product is the goal that we always pursue. From 1993, so far we have three thousand one hundred and forty-two kinds of specifications of the stud welding nail production experience, is China's earliest development, production welding nail (also known as stud welding, electric plug welding or bolt plant welding nail) professional manufacturers is welding nail production areas in Asia, one of the most authority and the strength of enterprise, is also currently the only a professional engaged in welding nail production, research and development of enterprise. Now, we have 34262.2 square meters production base, more than 200 employees. Sincerely look forward to cooperation with customers at home and abroad, we will provide you with the best products, best service.

Copyright (c) 2012 Guangzhou Yonglong Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd. not be copied, reproduced or excerpts without permission. All rights reserved
Tel:020-81762527 020-81012789 Fax:020-81764254
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